Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Drain the Swamp? Yeah, About That...

Donald Trump ran for President as a real outsider, a developer from New York (no, really), not an every day, career elected politician. He promised to change Washington by "draining the swamp." How's he doing?

Today he named Elaine Chao as his Secretary of Transportation, wife of Mitch McConnell and former Labor Secretary. Yesterday it leaked out that he was naming Rep. Tom Price to lead HHS. When he's not naming people with extensive Washington resumes, he's naming Wilbur Ross to lead Commerce, Betsy Devos to lead Education, and Ben Carson to lead HUD, all very rich Republicans with decidedly traditional Republican ideological views. When he's not naming DC insiders or millionaires and billionaires, he's naming Nikki Haley, South Carolina's Governor, to lead the UN. It is entirely a team of people deeply engrossed in right-wing politics, and typically with decidedly right-wing, traditional views. Price wants to end Obamacare and Medicaid as we know it. Ross used to run a mining company that had plenty of unsafe conditions for their workers. Devos opposes public schools and wants to enact vouchers. Carson ran for President as a Christian Conservative favorite. Haley was a class of 2010 governor, and governed in the spirit of the Tea Party. I could go on. There's nothing new or different here.

It's not just the picks he's made either. People like Rudy Giuliani, a total has-been Mayor of New York, and Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP Nominee for President, are still out there, not to mention the ultimate swamp-creature, Newt Gingrich. He could still go with Chris Christie for something too, presuming he's not putting him in prison for angering his son-in-law.

While Donald Trump distracts America with bizarre tweets alleging voter fraud, threatening to take away the citizenship of people, and attacking reporters, he's basically putting together a standard Republican Administration, with all the normal characters. Donald Trump isn't going to "Make America Great Again," or even really break from the stated and enacted policies of George W. Bush.

Congratulations America- you've been had.

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